Example Page

To gain access to the training school, students should have done a minimum of fifty hours of vivencia (in weekly groups or in vivencial workshops). If the students didn’t reach the exact amount of hours, he can reach it during the first six months of the training course. It’s also important to participate to a weekly group during the whole training process for the students’ personal development. The school offers a theoretical, methodological and vivencial teaching that has been improved in many years of research.

Join Biodanza SCHOOl

The training

Each training module is structured in a theoretical part and a vivencial one and it lasts twelve hours in total.

The Working

The school works a weekend a month (Saturday and Sunday), according to a planning arranged in advance.

Workshop and

The program contents will be enriched through the use of dyads, games, movies, reflections and multimedia.

BIODEJA (Biodanza) – dzīves deja

Biodeja - dzīves deja

Biodeja, kas nozīmē „dzīves deja”, ir aicinājums dejot ar Dzīvi ... pilnībā, intensīvi un priecīgi!

Dzīvības spēki

Biodejas nodarbības veicina relaksāciju, prieku un kaislību uz dzīvi.

Biodeja ir tilts starp intuīciju un racionalitāti

Biodejas palīdz līdzsvarot racionālo un intuitīvo prātu, integrēt domas, jūtas un darbību.

Example Page

Simple and Direct

It works by opening people’s sense of joy, self esteem and self confidence. It’s simple, direct and immediate. Ten minutes into a class, people have already found their sense of inner joy – a joy similar to that of a two year old – confident, strong and from the heart. It works with this joy and with regular classes, this grows and strengthens.

Simple and Direct

It works by opening people’s sense of joy, self esteem and self confidence. It’s simple, direct and immediate. Ten minutes into a class, people have already found their sense of inner joy – a joy similar to that of a two year old – confident, strong and from the heart. It works with this joy and with regular classes, this grows and strengthens.

This sense of joy and self-confidence carries over into people’s daily lives. Over time, people find that life becomes more joyful. People start reaching for what feeds them in life and begin to change those things that are less positive.

This sense of joy and self-confidence carries over into people’s daily lives. Over time, people find that life becomes more joyful. People start reaching for what feeds them in life and begin to change those things that are less positive.

  • Reducing Stress
  • Improving Communication
  • Improved Relationships

This sense of joy and self-confidence carries over into people’s daily lives. Over time, people find that life becomes more joyful. People start reaching for what feeds them in life and begin to change those things that are less positive.

  1. Reducing Stress
  2. Improving Communication
  3. Improved Relationships
The unconscious layers
Nr layers Description
1 Personal Unconscious

described by Freud
The process which leads from personal history to the archetype is linked up with the personal and collective unconscious.
2 Personal Unconscious

described by Freud
The process which leads from personal history to the archetype is linked up with the personal and collective unconscious.
3 Personal Unconscious

described by Freud
The process which leads from personal history to the archetype is linked up with the personal and collective unconscious.


Biodeja ir par šī mirkļa intensitātes sajušanu. Ja mēs esam šeit un tagad, tad dzīve kļūst fantastiska un katrs mirklis ir burvības pilns. /Rolando Toro, biodejas pamatlicējs/